Put a Clown Hat on, wear a Silly Grin and BLOW STUFF UP!

I've been a Licensed Pyrotechnician since the mid 1980's. I've worked some beautiful and unique shows as well as some that have been fairly mundane and I've enjoyed every bit of it. (Insert corny line here): "I've had a Blast!"
I've met and worked with many wonderful people and also some who should heretofore STAY AWAY from Pyrotechnics but, in roughly 25 years of participation in the industry, I've been fortunate to have never been injured or damaged any of my crews - that's a real Blessing because working with these explosives can be very life-changing if things go badly.
Clearly this is a high risk / low reward (virtually zero income after expenses) job so you do it for the love and thrill of Fireworks!